“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”

- B.B. King

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What is Business Mantra @ 1 2 3 Podcast?

Business Mantra 1-2-3 @ Podcast is the latest initiative by Lion Amirr Virani The Emerging India Forum (TEIF). This thought-provoking Podcast series is aimed at startups, SMEs, and entrepreneurs looking to expand their expertise and knowledge about the global business landscape.

Through these Podcast sessions, professionals and business owners will be able to learn more about the trends and developments related to business and technology in India and the world. They will get insights into the latest news and new innovations that impact – or may impact – their industry and organisation in the coming years.

A Business Mantra 1-2-3 Podcast may cover any or all of the following elements:

• Key challenges faced by business owners and professionals
• Potential solutions to these challenges
• Tips and best practices around software and technology, business tools, workforce productivity and engagement, and a host of other topics
• Key insights shared by subject matter experts and industry insiders on a range of topics, such as intellectual property, taxation regulations, cybersecurity, social media, and more

The goal of Business Mantra 1-2-3 Podcast is to empower business owners and professionals to learn, improve, and grow in their professional lives. By doing so, they can mentor others to do the same, thus creating a virtuous cycle of learning and development that will benefit their company, community, and country.

Lion Amirr Virani
Your Business RJ

Here’s a selection of our most popular Business Mantra content

3 Proven Marketing Techniques For Bootstrapped Businesses

5 Effective Ways to Update Your Outdated Processes and Boost Your Organisation’s Results

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