Make Your Customer Touchpoints Count with these 6 Tips!
As the global business landscape changes and becomes more complex, an increasing number of organisations are realising the value of investing time and resources in optimising the customer experience journey. What about you?                     Irrespective of the industry, customers engage with firms in myriad ways – both offline and online. Each of these ‘touchpoints’ matter because […]

As the global business landscape changes and becomes more complex, an increasing number of organisations are realising the value of investing time and resources in optimising the customer experience journey.

What about you?                    

Irrespective of the industry, customers engage with firms in myriad ways – both offline and online. Each of these ‘touchpoints’ matter because they indicate how well you are serving your customer and not just what you are serving them. Therefore it is critical to be mindful of each touchpoint, whether it’s email or phone calls, social media campaigns, advertising banners or something else. You must pay attention to how each touchpoint can help improve your interactions (and relationships) with your customers. To put it simply, in today’s technology-obsessed world, a touchpoint is not just about talking to customers in the short term but about ensuring their success  in the long term.

So what can you do to make your touchpoints more meaningful and capable of driving success for both you and your customers?

Try these 6 ideas!

1: Educate yourself about the customer’s journey

Digital has changed the way customers buy products and services. Customers no longer rely on word of mouth references or even advertising. They prefer to do their own research before they assess various options and make purchase decisions.

Which platforms or touchpoints do they use? Which pathway solves their problem in the quickest time?

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and find these answers. Understanding your customer’s journey can help you find ways to improve it.

2: Understand how they navigate as they move through the journey

Some customers prefer offline touchpoints like phone calls while others rely on social media. Regardless of which path they take to engage with your brand, you need to understand how they navigate as they move through the journey.

You want their destination to be you but it’s equally important to know the how and the why.

3: Be aware of their needs and expectations

A customer’s needs and goals may change along his journey. In the beginning, he may only be looking for information. But as he goes along, he gets closer to identifying the brand that can solve his problem. He may then engage with it and finally make his buying decision.

By anticipating these needs and how they change, you can better prepare to meet them along every stage of his buyer’s journey.

4: Be aware of what’s working; be prepared to change what’s not

Today’s business landscape is dynamic so businesses need to be dynamic as well. If something is working well, do more of it. If something is not, find alternatives.

The key is to be flexible, agile as well as quick in accepting both successes and failures.

5: Set priorities and create a plan

Now that you know where the gaps and opportunities are, it’s important to prioritise them and create an implementation plan. There is always scope for improvement in business, and the customer’s journey is no exception.

6: If something is not working, find the root cause, fix it and move on

It’s also important to learn from your mistakes. Find the root cause of issues, fix them on priority and move on. Just remember your end goal – to improve the customer’s journey and give them a better experience with your brand.

Prime Infotech is a preferred reseller partner for a number of business software solutions like Microsoft, Sophos, Baracuda, Veritas, Workshare, Adobe, etc that can help you  optimise your customer touchpointsConvert your customers into loyal brand advocates with products from Prime Infotech. Contact us for more information

Author : Lion Amirr Virani
Lion Amirr Virani is a Legal Tech Evangelist based in India. He is passionate about showing companies how to leverage the power of technology to meet their business objectives. In his two-decade-long career consulting with legal and other firms all over India, Amirr has observed that documentation workflow, productivity challenges are among the most common for all kinds of companies. Through our company. Prime Infotech Solution, Amirr connects legal firms, corporate legal, Startups, SMEs with world-class software and technology solutions that empower them to streamline their document workflows, enhance collaboration, and ultimately, increase billable hours and profits by 40%.


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