7 Powerful Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs
“Networking has been cited as the number one unwritten rule of success in business. Who you know really impacts what you know.” –Sallie Krawchek, American businesswoman If you are an introvert by nature, you may scoff at this quote. “Networking? Ha! Plenty of entrepreneurs find success without all this nonsensical schmoozing. Why should I waste my time?!” Does this sound like […]

“Networking has been cited as the number one unwritten rule of success in business. Who you know really impacts what you know.”

–Sallie Krawchek, American businesswoman

If you are an introvert by nature, you may scoff at this quote.

“Networking? Ha! Plenty of entrepreneurs find success without all this nonsensical schmoozing. Why should I waste my time?!”

Does this sound like you?

Networking may sound like unnecessary – or even nonsensical – ‘schmoozing’, but the fact is, it is a critical aspect of running, maintaining and growing a successful business. In the pre-Internet/pre-Smartphone age, organising and attending a networking event was a slow, cumbersome and rare process but not anymore. The world of business is extremely dynamic and fast-changing, so if you want to succeed (or even keep up!), you need to network! Invest some time, energy and occasionally some money in networking and the efforts will pay off handsomely.

Want to build strong connections and grow your business?

With these 7 powerful networking tips, you can!

1: Don’t expect too much too soon

It is not possible to get quality, reliable contacts in a short time (or after one single meeting), no matter how charismatic or charming you (think you) are.

Just attending an event and handing out business cards like candy will not create a strong network of reliable contacts. You must still do the work before and after each meet. Research and attend the right kind of events, be social and open-minded during the event and reach out to the people you meet after the event.

2: Don’t just ask – give too

Many (most) individuals come to networking events expecting something from others – advice, investment or transactions. If you develop a reputation as a taker, you will find it more difficult to build meaningful relationships.

Instead of taking, focus on giving. When you meet people, ask yourself what you can bring to the table. Proactively try to help others with no expectation of returns. Get people’s attention as a value-creator and the returns will come!

3: Put your best self forward (and become one!)

We usually attract who we become. So if you become the best you can possibly be, you will attract like-minded people. Work ******* improving and you will find new opportunities opening up everywhere. When you attend a networking event, be genuine and you will attract genuine people in return!

4: Be proactive, not afraid!

If going to a networking meet makes you nervous, remember that almost everyone feels that way! It’s not easy to speak comfortably to a bunch of strangers. But on the other hand, it can be the easiest thing in the world because strangers don’t know you and therefore have no pre-conceived notions about you!

Keep an open mind and approach a stranger at a networking meet with a smile and a firm handshake. You never know – they may turn out to be your next mentor or investor!

5: Introduce people within your network to each other

One of the best ways to deepen your relationships and provide value at the same time (see Point #2) is to introduce the people within your network to each other. Be a gateway to another great relationship, change lives and see how your own network strengthens.

6: Watch your body language

At a networking meet, if you only talk to people you know, you are missing out on the point of the event – to make new connections! Nonetheless, if you’re happy to talk to strangers but prefer that they approach you, your body language can determine whether you are a dynamic part of the meet or a sad wallflower.

Throw your shoulders back, stand up straight and keep your body loose (not tense).

Smile whenever possible, especially when you first meet someone new.

Greet people politely.

When breaking into a group, wait for a lull in the conversation and then ease in with a comment followed by a self-introduction.

7: Stay in touch with your connections

Remember – relationships, not contacts!

Develop and nurture relationships with contacts because they can convert into important milestones for your professional development.

Also – ‘invest’ in your people portfolio. Give in earnest. Learn about others’ priorities and needs and learn how you can be useful. Be ‘human’ with them and treat them like neighbours (even if you have not met them in person). Equally important, remove toxic people from your network and don’t waste time trying to develop relationships with them. Just like you don’t want to be known as a taker, you don’t want to be in a relationship with one either!

Cynergi provides marketing and media services to help businesses gain knowledge and skills for growth and progress. Our services include Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, video creation and corporate gifting. To know more, contact us today.

Author : Lion Amirr Virani
Lion Amirr Virani is a Legal Tech Evangelist based in India. He is passionate about showing companies how to leverage the power of technology to meet their business objectives. In his two-decade-long career consulting with legal and other firms all over India, Amirr has observed that documentation workflow, productivity challenges are among the most common for all kinds of companies. Through our company. Prime Infotech Solution, Amirr connects legal firms, corporate legal, Startups, SMEs with world-class software and technology solutions that empower them to streamline their document workflows, enhance collaboration, and ultimately, increase billable hours and profits by 40%.


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