7 Questions to Ask Before Setting Up An Office For Your Small Business
One of the first complex tasks in starting a business involves setting up the office. Before the move can be completed – whether it’s to the company’s first ‘real’ office or even to a larger space – a lot of thoughtful planning and deliberate execution are required. This can be very stressful, not only for […]

One of the first complex tasks in starting a business involves setting up the office. Before the move can be completed – whether it’s to the company’s first ‘real’ office or even to a larger space – a lot of thoughtful planning and deliberate execution are required. This can be very stressful, not only for the business owner, but for their workforce as well.

If you are business owner planning to set up your own office, today’s Tuesday Tips article is for you!

Ask yourself these 7 questions and the move will be seamless, and hopefully – stress-free!

1. Should you buy or lease office space?

You are the only person who can answer this question. However, you need to ask the question first!

The decision to buy or lease space would depend on your operational, financial and even personal situation. Space will be one of your biggest investments so do consider all factors before you decide one way or another.

2.How much space will you need?

What is the size of your workforce? This will determine how many seats (chairs, desks, cubicles, etc) you will require.

In addition to working space, some companies also require space for relaxation. Do you plan to include a kitchen or pantry? How about a couch or beanbags? Will you need conference or meeting rooms?

Would you prefer dedicated areas/rooms/desks for management?

Make sure you figure out your needs before leasing or buying any space.

3. What kind of office ‘accessories’ will you need?

How many computers?

Landline phones?


Coffee machines?



Filing and storage devices?

A shredder?

Offices in many commercial buildings come equipped with these paraphernalia. Decide what you need before making payments.

4. Do you plan to bring clients or vendors to the office?

As you operate your business, you will need to manage all its financial aspects and create a budget. You will need to balance your books and keep an eye on your liabilities. You will also have to optimise your assets and ensure that your cash flow remains healthy.

Your business plan should have a financial section that can provide the basis of your business budget. It will be useful for managing your cash flow, receivables, depreciating assets, overheads, etc. It will also provide a fairly defined picture of the potential costs of certain business decisions so you can make necessary changes before implementing these ideas.

5. What kind of technology do you need?

No matter your industry or business type, it is highly unlikely that you won’t need technology in your office.

Do you need high-speed Internet?

A network router?

A server room?


A high-tech communications system?

How about software licenses?

Cloud-based storage?

Make sure all these are set up before your office becomes fully functional.

6. Do you need security?

As you operate your business, you might need physical security to guard your premises.

How many security officials will you need?

Will they work in shifts or only during office hours?

Financially, will it make more sense to hire your own people or to outsource the hiring to a professional security firm?

7. What do you need to do about fire safety?

Fire is a threat no matter where you set up your office.

If you are leasing or buying space in commercial premises, it will probably come with fire safety devices (such as extinguishers and sprinklers). However, if you are setting up on your own, you may need to invest in fire safety for your staff. You may also need to make additional investments for protection from natural disasters like earthquakes.


Setting up your office is an involved process. However, the more systematically you plan the move, the less stressful it will be. We hope this article enables you to identify your needs and set up an amazing office for your small business.

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Author : Lion Amirr Virani
Lion Amirr Virani is a Legal Tech Evangelist based in India. He is passionate about showing companies how to leverage the power of technology to meet their business objectives. In his two-decade-long career consulting with legal and other firms all over India, Amirr has observed that documentation workflow, productivity challenges are among the most common for all kinds of companies. Through our company. Prime Infotech Solution, Amirr connects legal firms, corporate legal, Startups, SMEs with world-class software and technology solutions that empower them to streamline their document workflows, enhance collaboration, and ultimately, increase billable hours and profits by 40%.


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