The Emerging India Forum is supported by 4 key pillars:

  • Koffee Conversation
  • Advantage Learning
  • Business Mantra
  • Story Highlight
Koffee Conversation
Advantage Learning
Business Mantra
Story Highlight

Koffee Conversation

Advantage Learning

Business Mantra

Story Highlight

Join us on this exciting journey

Through Koffee Conversation, Advantage Learning, and Business Mantra, TEIF’s goal is to build a powerful learning ecosystem that enables passionate, self-aware learners to enhance their knowledge, build their skillsets, and expand their professional networks.

Stay updated on TEIF activities.

Who can join TEIF?

Anyone interested in improving their knowledge about business topics or technology developments and joining a community of like-minded learners can join TEIF.

As long as you are passionate about learning, networking, and sharing – you are welcome to join TEIF!

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